General Operation : 24 hours
Medication Enquiry : 24 hours
Pharmacy Careline : 03 8966 1064
At Andorra Hospital, our pharmacists located in the pharmacy provide medication counseling and evaluate the patients’ medication to guarantee that they always receive safe and effective treatment.
Our pharmacy handles the medication supply to a multitude of departments in the hospital as well as providing pharmaceutical care to the inpatients in our wards.
The pharmacy also practices a strict and controlled storage of drugs and medicine while also continuously monitoring processes and procedures. We make a great effort to ensure that our patients are provided with high quality medication at all times.

Our Pharmacy Department strives to ensure the optimisation of pharmaceutical care to all our patients as well as the excellence in quality through our products and qualified, well-trained staff of Pharmacists and Pharmacy Assistants.
​Our Inpatient Pharmacy supplies medication to the hospital’s inpatients as well as the wards. Pharmacy personnel check the patients’ prescriptions for accuracy and appropriateness of treatment at the point of dispensing as well as before the administration of medications. Upon discharge, patients are counseled on their discharged medications before leaving the hospital.
Our Outpatient Pharmacy is located on the ground floor of the Andorra Building. Prescriptions from both internal and external doctors are accepted here. A wide range of medications are available at the Outpatient Pharmacy including limited and controlled medications as well as customised preparations.