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(Updated) Visitor's Guidelines during FMCO


To further protect the health and safety of our patients, ANDORRA Women & Children Hospital has updated our visitor guidelines during the Full Movement Control Order (FMCO). These visitor guidelines will be updated from time to time as needed to keep patients, staff and you safe at the moment.

Your safety and health is our priority

In view of the current Covid-19 pandemic situation and compliance to guidelines by the Ministry of Health Malaysia and the National Security Council, kindly observe the followings:

  1. NO VISITORS are allowed at the hospital premises during the Full Movement Control Order (FMCO).

  2. Only ONE (1) caretaker allowed to accompany any one patient in the wardrooms.

  3. For Obstetrics & Gynaecology patients, the husband is not allowed to accompany the patient to the outpatient clinic.

  4. For Paediatric patients, ONE (1) caretaker is allowed to accompany the patient. Both primary caretakers (father and mother) are allowed to accompany their children when needed by our Paediatric Specialists for discussion related to the child's well-being/if the child requires special assistance/exceptional circumstances.

  5. Children below the age of 12 years must NOT visit.

  6. All visitors/caretakers must wash their hands or use sanitisers when entering and leaving clinical areas.

  7. A face mask must be worn at all times.

  8. On your arrival at the hospital, our staff will check that you are well and ask you some questions about your health, record your temperature and details.

  9. All visitors/caregiver will be asked to provide contact details.

  10. It is essential that you do not visit if you have a persistent cough, loss of taste or smell, flu-like symptoms or fever.

  11. Caregivers/visitors will be screened for symptoms and Covid-19 risk at each visit

We at ANDORRA Women & Children Hospital understand that not being able to visit loved ones is difficult. We encourage patients to work with our care team on alternative methods to connect and give and receive support. Kindly contact us for any assistance at 03-89661144 0r 013-3332671. You can also email us at

Your safety and health is our priority at ANDORRA Women & Children Hospital

Stay safe and healthy!

From The Management of ANDORRA Women & Children Hospital.


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